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- The use of gadgets is very important for students and their use can even be so addicting to the student that if they don’t have it, they won’t know what to do. There are many advantages and disadvantages to this new era of studying and of student life. A negative effect of these gadgets on students can be the fact that they can easily become obsessive and can even neglect everything else around them and just have one focus. This can be their social life, their family, and even their own studies. Its not a bad thing to have a computer but every student needs to know how to use it to their benefit. It is a bad thing to spend all your life pretending that this is the most important thing and nothing else around us exists. On the other hand, gadgets can be inevitably useful and no one can have a doubt about this. Some essential gadgets for a student are a laptop that enables students to take their studies in a portable way, headphones for the student to be able to listen to music or just block the whole world around them when studying. Another one might be an ipad. This is a new way for students to digitally write down their notes using an electronic pen and to even upload all their documents onto the tablet. Also, it is easy to realize that the iPad does not weight a lot and is easy to carry around. All these gadgets can be seen in classrooms of all ages and around the world because schools and teachers have noticed the true benefit of their use. women’s clothing .
The use of gadgets and their benefit has been truly made evident during the times of the shutdown. The use of these gadgets proved to the world that this was the only way to communicate and stay in the loop of things during a crisis. women’s clothing
Since the pandemic started, online learning has been applied to replace the conventional one. Gadgets then become essential tools and the main information source for learning during this time. Classrooms had to go through an online transition and did not have any face to face interaction with their students. The world was met with an invention they have never thought of before. The idea of using digital technologies to teach students from homes was introduced to continue with education and overcome mental stress and anxiety during the lockdown. women’s clothing .
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a digital revolution in the higher education system through online lectures, teleconferencing, digital open books, online examination and interaction in virtual environments. Classes were conducted through laptops and through Zoom video cameras and meeting face to face in a digital way was the new norm. Teachers also face hardships in adjusting themselves to digital teaching, as the concept is new to them and needs dedication and more observant attitudes. women’s clothing . women’s clothing .
School students between four and 12 years of age hardly own mobile phones or know how to use them. Teachers connect with them through their parents’ phones, ultimately consuming their time. Mostly, parents who work from their homes, struggle between their work and the education of their children. This whole transition took an unconsuma
Hyperextension Rings , women’s clothing .
Most species on planet earth have develop fingers as newborns or as they grow and develop more prominent features ,fingers allow us and all sorts of animals to get a good grip on random objects and to play all sorts of sports that require fingers such as bowling and basketball! As well in babies fingers are their way to discovering the world and all it’s assets such as differences in temperatures and experiencing lots of different textures like grass or smooth silk ,now most importantly fingers have a certain amount of mobility that gives us the right amount of mobility for us to be able to function through out our daily tasks and routines without having any inconveniences ,so imagine with me that you’re unable to do any of your favorite hobbies either it was writing ,swimming and playing a musical instrument or if you’re unable to feed yourself properly ,because your fingers are always in pain and aren’t stable enough for you to grab a firm hold on anything ,how frustrated would your life be? How much would you pay for all of it to just stop and let you lead a normal life like the rest of the world ?. unfortunately this is the reality of some individuals in the world who suffer from hyperextension in their fingers or could be in other parts of their body ,however the target today is hyperextension in the fingers ,this usually happens to people who suffer from a type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) or hypermobility spectrum disorder (HSD) ,in other words it’s the lack of EDS Splint that’s supposed to be located on the inside of the finger tissue ,usually one centrally located splint is enough to prevent the backwards movement and hyperextending during most activities ,those people are unable to perform most of their daily routines let alone have any kind of physical activity that involves them using their fingers in any way because the consequences would be far worse than what you’d expect such as being in pain constantly and uncomfortable 24\7 as well as risk of fully bending their fingers back which means a risk of breakage or ripping in the tissue ,luckily enough technology has also played it’s rule in creating what we know today as Hyperextension Rings ,these rings are fairly abnormal in shape from regular rings that we know ,they are made in an oval eight figure kind of shaped ring that hugs and stabilizes and limits the mobility and extension of the finger to prevent it from hyperextending at any time of the day ,those rings are usually costume made to fit the users’ finger size and length and relatively cheap due to the fact that it’s doesn’t have to be made from any special material unless you’d like to be fancy with it and decide to have it made with gold or silver ,for people who do not need them it looks just a like a random fashion statement or art but to people who are need the hyperextension rings ,it’s a life saver and considered a necessity to them to continue leading a normal life. women’s clothing